22 Mayıs 2022 Pazar

 Once upon a time...

Three excerpts of the books, three diffirent extendings...

Once upon a time...


Give sea a chance: a message about sea

Marine world deserves a better future. Let's give a hand and give sea a chance. 

Each partner creates a poster with a message about the sea.

Give sea a chance


Sea endagered species need our help

Captain Nemo travels to the depths of the sea in a Nautilus vehicle and encounters many sea creatures. Some of them confess to him the difficulties they face and the fact that they are threatened. Nemo decides to help them. He will prepare a booklet with endangered animals in order to raise awareness of people and all together to join forces and save them.

Each partner will select an animal and present it. The WWF organisation will help us.


Our leaflet

Let's experiment

 Nautilus while traveling fell on an iceberg. The fuel tank was opened and spilled into the sea. An oil slick formed. This is very bad because the marine world is in danger. Our friends have to clean the sea but we do not know how ... But they are here to help them. The following experiment will teach us how.

After the implementation of the experiment our young students were impressed by how easily the sea can be contaminated and how difficult it is to clean. So they came to the conclusion that all people should make sure the sea is clean in every way ...

 The acrostic of the sea

Captain Nemo travels to the South Pole but an iceberg capsizes and blocks the way. The giant squid would only open the way for them if they untied the acrostic of the sea.

Dear partners, are we ready to collaborate and help him?

The acrostic of the sea

The poem of the sea

Captain Nemo travels and reaches the legendary lost Atlantis. Medusa does not let the Nautilus go unless they recite a poem about the beauty of the sea.
Are we ready to help Nautilus? Let's work together.
Each collaborator creates a verse of the poem.

The poem of the sea

The poem of the sea (sequel)

 20.000 legues under the sea

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas (FrenchVingt mille lieues sous les mers) is a classic science fiction adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne.

Its depiction of Captain Nemo's underwater ship, the Nautilus, is regarded as ahead of its time, since it accurately describes many features of today's submarines, which in the 1860s were comparatively primitive vessels.

During the year 1866, ships of various nationalities sight a mysterious sea monster, which, it is later suggested, might be a gigantic narwhal. The U.S. government assembles an expedition in New York City to find and destroy the monster. Professor Pierre Aronnax, a French marine biologist and the story's narrator, is in town at the time and receives a last-minute invitation to join the expedition; he accepts. Canadian whaler and master harpooner Ned Land and Aronnax's faithful manservant Conseil are also among the participants.

 The book of space

The space was wonderful and Impey's team, apart from the stars, saw the planets and the celestial bodies up close. Then they took paper and pencil, paints and materials and began to record them so that they could convey the information to other people on Earth...Don't believe it? Look at their book of Space!!!

The book of space

 When Vincent Van Gogh met Jules Verne

When Impey and his friends arrived in space they saw an amazing spectacle ...the Earth looked very small but beautiful from space ...but the most amazing thing was the thousands of stars danced harmoniously in the night sky making spirals and producing magical music...

Impey then took some stardust from the night sky and threw it on Earth ... and then humans and all creatures became entangled in a harmonious dance... and the most famus painters, collaborated and created their most wonderfull Starry Nights...

 NASA gaming

 Space Pixel Art

Impey Barbicane is gratefull for the spacecrafts we have created and the ideas he took. So he has decided to sent us the design of his own spacecraft to let us know how it will be. But he is afraid of his enemy Captain Nicol. If Captain Nicol finds out the disign maybe he will destroy the idea. So Impey have sent us his disign using a secret code. If you want to see the space craft crack the code...

Let's cooperate and reveal the design...

Space Pixel Art

 Constracting spacecrafts

Building a spacecraft
Impey Barbicane and his friends had an incredible idea: a trip from earth to the moon. Easy or difficult? For them nothing is difficult...join forces, sharpen their minds and the first spaceship in history is ready.


Lets imitate Impey and lets create our oun space craft. Each partner builds a spacecraft with whatever materials wish and in whatever size want. In the end we will present our work in a video conference.

Color the Galaxy with NASA space crafts

We can easily draw astronauts on the moon!!! Watch the video and draw!!!

 From Earth to the moon

From the Earth to the Moon: A Direct Route in 97 Hours, 20 Minutes (FrenchDe la Terre à la Lune, trajet direct en 97 heures 20 minutes) is an 1865 novel by Jules Verne. It tells the story of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post-American Civil War society of weapons enthusiasts, and their attempts to build an enormous Columbiad space gun and launch three people—the Gun Club's president, his Philadelphian armor-making rival, and a French poet—in a projectile with the goal of a Moon landing. Five years later, Verne wrote a sequel called Around the Moon.

Jules Verne was an incredible visionary. His story regarding the first attempts by man to leave the surface of the Earth, travel across a vast distance and visit our satellite were incredible for the time in which they were written. But, even more so in that Verne predicted that Florida in the United States would be the point of takeoff and that three men would take part in the journey. There are many other surprises in store for the reader, and though Verne was incorrect on a few details it is almost as if he had visited his future and witnessed the events.

What do yoy know about space?

A Brainstorming

 STEM Experiments

Phileas has a difficult trip. Knowledge and science is always helpfull when have to face difficulties.Let's do experiments and give him some ideas in order to overcome the difficulties.

(The book gives us the  opportunity to experiment with the power of steam, air or even to make a compass. Let us suggest experiments according to the above in order to select and implement them.

STEM Experiments

 Means of Transport Challenge

Let's become little creators of means of transport and try to make our own vehicles to travel in perfect places. Using recycled materials such as cardboard boxes, rolls, bottles, cans or whatever other material we want we  create our unique models.

Means of transport

 Travel Guide

Traveling is a unique experience because we can visit perfect places, meet new people, new cultures. Imagine you are travelling around the world from your country. Phileas would be really happy if he had a nowdays travel guide to meet countries from the future.

We are proud to present you our travel guide!!!

Travel Guide

 Around the world in 80 days

A video about the jurney

Interactive card postal poster

Every place that Phileas Fogg visits is unique and a unique experience. Our hero does not skip to send a card-postal to his friends in the Reform Club of London.

Each partner with his team create a card-postal for one place that Fileas Fogg visited and send it to the partner schools. 

Card postal 

 The journey of Phileas Fogg

The journey of Fileas

 Vintage frontcover collection

Around the World in Eighty Days (French: Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) is an adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in French in 1872. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a wager GB£20,000 (equivalent to £1,798,872 in 2019) set by his friends at the Reform Club. It is one of Verne's most acclaimed works.


Activity:Select and add covers from different countries and in different languages, preferably vintage. As a final collaborate product we are going to create a collection or a poster.

Our collection

 The logo of our project


Collaborative poster

A collaborative poster as a final product with the frontcovers we have selected

 Let's learn more about Jules Verne

A Brainstorming


 Let us know each other

Our students introduce themselves


9 Mayıs 2022 Pazartesi


      Τhe poem of the sea

We promise to protect the beauty of the sea if you let us go! We respect you Medusa and every sea creature

        The acrostic of the sea

  Let's experiment

              Sea endagered species need our hel

Ziphius cavirostris

      "Give sea a chance": a message about sea

               Sea Bee Bot activities

       1st Kindergarten of Corfu,Greece/class1                            

Last meeting with the collaborators and their students for our project: "STEAM with Jules Verne"

                              1st Kindergarten of Corfu,Greece/class1

                   Evaluation of the project-Students


                         1st Kindergarten of Corfu,Greece/class1

                            Once upon a time...

                                                                  3rd excerpt

"We had traveled almost 20,000 leagues under the sea. We had reached the depths of the oceans and learned their secrets ....

Drawing of the  3nd excerpt


 Once upon a time... Three excerpts of the books, three diffirent extendings... Once upon a time...